Goaltime - Stats individuelles et collectives pour le football

Goaltime est la première solution grand-public d


The domain goaltime.fr currently has a traffic classification of zero (the smaller the more traffic). We have inspected zero pages within the site goaltime.fr and found nine websites referring to goaltime.fr. We have discovered five mass networking sites retained by goaltime.fr.
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I discovered that the main root page on goaltime.fr took five hundred and sixty-two milliseconds to stream. Our web crawlers could not observe a SSL certificate, so I consider goaltime.fr not secure.
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0.562 secs
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We observed that this website is weilding the Apache os.


Goaltime - Stats individuelles et collectives pour le football


Goaltime est la première solution grand-public d


The domain goaltime.fr had the following in the site, "Changez le cours du match." We analyzed that the website stated " Stats individuelles et collectives en temps réel." It also stated " Ballons joués, possession, distance parcourue, sprints. FFF - Section Sportive District Lyon-Rhône. Destiné à tous les joueurs de football, Goaltime fournit en temps-réel les indicateurs décisifs de performance et danalyse de jeu, en match et en entraînement. Un outil très simple dutilisation."


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